Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Spider-Man: Far From Home After Credits How Many End Credits Scenes?

The big question now, of course, is how the MCU will deal with a Spider-Man who no longer has a secret identity, and a Peter Parker whose name and face are known to the world. When Spider-Man revealed his secret identity in the comics things didn't end well, with Aunt May being lethally shot because of her relationship to Peter, and Peter sacrificing his marriage to MJ in order to save her. Needless to say, this scene has major implications for Phase 4 of the MCU. In the second post-credits scene, we see what look to be SHIELD Agents Nick Fury and Maria Hill. But the two characters transform from themselves into Skrulls, the shape-shifting alien species from Captain Marvel. It turns out that Nick Fury has enlisted Talos, the ostensible villain but actual good guy from Captain Marvel, to impersonate him on earth.

after credit scene spider man far from home

But in two post-credits scenes, we find out that things are not as they appear. Mysterio may be dead, but he makes sure to frame Peter for the destruction of London before he is defeated. And while Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson_ seemed to be helping and guiding Spider-Man on his European vacation, it turns out that someone has been impersonating the SHIELD agent throughout the movie. This post-credits scene casts new light on the events of the film, explaining why Nick Fury may have been so unusually gullible as to believe Beck’s claims – he literally worked for Tony Stark!

Far From Home's Mid-Credits Scene Brings Back J. Jonah Jameson

Now, the Daily Bugle seems to have gone digital, but it still has J Jonah Jameson at the helm. And in one of the biggest surprises of the entire movie, the man playing Jonah is once again JK Simmons, the Oscar-winning actor who portrayed the character in the original Sam Raimi-directed Spider-Man trilogy. As Spider-Man he also clashed with the paper’s editor and publisher J Jonah Jameson, a hard-smoking newsman with an irrational hatred of Spider-Man who ran a campaign of disinformation and downright scaremongering against the webslinger. For his part, Spider-Man frequently found himself forced to save Jameson’s life from various supervillains (including a few, like the Scorpion and the Spider-Slayers, that Jameson hired himself) though usually took the chance to play a prank or two on his old foe. Ever since the 1960s comics Peter Parker has worked as a photographer for the Bugle, often selling them photos of his own exploits as Spider-Man (despite the paper’s extremely negative slant on his heroism) and using assignments as cover for his missions. If you thought the first post-credit scene was a gag-worthy moment...

after credit scene spider man far from home

Now Peter's secret identity has been blown, he's been framed for multiple murders and all his superhero sponsors are dead or missing. Since those films were rebooted , Sony and Marvel had notably failed to recast Jameson, with many fans believing that Simmons’ beloved performance cast too long a shadow, and it seems they were right! Instead, Sony have made the continuity-busting decision to have the same actor play the same character in two very different movie universes.

Far from Home, far from other heroes

It seems that since then Fury has aligned with the Skrulls for some greater purpose, perhaps in response to Thanos’ intergalactic attack. Presumably Talos has been impersonating Nick Fury just during the events of this film and not before — though we can’t be certain. We then see Nick Fury taking the call on what looks to be a beach. But Fury is not on a well-deserved vacation — he’s just relaxing in a simulator on a massive space station. Whatever Fury is planning for the next phase of the Avengers, it will take place in space.

“I thought, if I were a grumpy, irritable man, which I am sometimes, how would I act? “And that was it.” In a way, you could argue that the return of Simmons as the ruthless media figure is a fitting inclusion; Lee can no longer make cameos in the MCU, but his proxy characters can. At the beginning of the movie, Mysterio has us believing that we’re finally getting a taste of the multiverse — not just time travel but a glimpse into the alternate realities we’ve long heard about. But by the end of the film, we come to learn that we’re as far from visiting an alternate Earth, or having an alternate-Earth inhabitant visit us, as ever. The sight of Fury in space has us thinking about the future lineup of Marvel movies and most of them are reportedly pretty cosmic.

The epic villain from Thunderbolts might get his own MCU series

This might not as Endgame-level as some thought, but if you’re of a certain age, it’s very, very cool. And, now is the perfect time to rewatch all the “old” Spider-Man movies with your kids. It’s not clear what Marvel’s next big universe-threatening threat is going to be as we move into the post-Thanos era. One common thought is Galactus, given that Disney now has the rights back to Fantastic Four, Silver Surfer, Doctor Doom and the big cosmic baddie, that will no doubt be integrated into the MCU in time. This is literally the first movie in this new age, and Rome wasn’t built in a day.

after credit scene spider man far from home

Jameson has aged accordingly since the last time we've seen him on screen; however, his appearance leaves a big question up in the air. Is this the same version of Jameson who we saw in the Tobey Maguire era of "Spider-Man" movies? Peter's about to head off when a breaking news report comes on a screen on the side of Madison Square Garden. The newsman says he has "disturbing revelations" about last week's attack in London. Last we saw Talos and the Skrulls, Captain Marvel was headed into space to find them a new home away from persecution in the 1990s.

Second post-credits scene: Nick Fury is a Skrull?

The identity reveal is also a slight nod to the post-credits scene of Homecoming, in which we meet Mac “Scorpion” Gargan, who asks his fellow prisoner Adrian “Vulture” Toomes if he knows who’s behind the Spider-Man mask. Vulture lies and says he doesn’t, but who knows how his mind has changed since the Blip. In the comics and Marvel’s PS4 game, Jameson has ties to Scorpion, so it feels all but certain both players will appear in Spider-Man 3 to make Peter Parker’s life a little less bearable. Whether Scorpion or Vulture or even Doc Octopus will return to join the long-discussed Sinister Six, a group that historically includes Mysterio, is less known. Then, Jameson gets the honor of dropping an even bigger bombshell, as a further video clip shows Mysterio revealing Spider-Man's secret identity, and a photo of Peter Parker, to the world.

The sheer magnitude of Far From Home’s first after credits moment, which brings J.K. Simmons back as an Alex Jones-like iteration of Daily Bugle (dot net!) newsman J. Jonah Jameson, is so giddy in delivering a fan service moment that the magnitude of what actually happens might get a little lost.

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The video then cuts to footage of Spider-Man speaking with his Stark technology glasses, E.D.I.T.H. The scene picks up right where the movie ended with MJ and Peter Parker across the street from Madison Square Garden in New York City after the two flew through the city skies. 1d ago - After a period of upheaval, Ubisoft's editorial division is on a mission to ensure its upcoming games are well-made, relevant, and diverse.

after credit scene spider man far from home

It calls into question every aspect of his life, from his membership in the Avengers to his remaining years in high school to his future. He's going to have to find a way around this, and perhaps more than any other teaser in the film's credits, this condition carries the most weight moving forward. That means members of the Mysterio gang are still out there, still operating in some capacity, and still out to get Spider-Man. We don't know how much we'll see of them in future films at this point, if at all, but the mid-credits sequence makes it quite clear that this isn't over. Now that Far From Home has at least uttered the word “multiverse” in the MCU, it opens up a blurry realm of possibilities.


When it becomes clear that Spider-Man is going to reveal Mysterio’s trick, Mysterio tells his henchmen he has a contingency plan. EDITH’s “execute” orders phrasing seems strange at the time and, upon a second watch, is clearly a set-up by Mysterio. After Mysterio dies, we see one of his henchmen pulling a USB out of a computer and leaving. He says that he is being attacked by Spider-Man for some reason.

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